
Sobre Tus Rodillas | Diciembre 2017

On your knees | December 2017

   “Our Father as Missio Dei is enabling me in his Spirit to partake in Christ’s sufferings and glory. God is using diverse people and passions to provide roots and wings to my formation. Marriage and family is forging me in unrest as life-giving; serving at church and local communities is molding me to be a vessel for God’s use in treasured fellowship; basketball is forging me to rely on others’ strengths; serving as a sport-performance coach is disciplining my character to listen to and empower others; reading Scripture and other and studying is nurturing my spirit, enlightening my thinking, and my writing and communication competencies. My calling is to engage and co-journey with others to thrive together as Christ-followers.”

Rubén Fernández Morales, June 2017
Dear partner and friend,
   The summer of 2015, our family (wife Lidia and four children ages 10-2) moved to Pasadena from Málaga, Spain. After near twenty years of full-time dedication to missions with Agape and AIA I was approved by my leadership to devote focused time and energy to studies in Theology and Ministry with Fuller Seminary. Doctors Robert Johnston and Catherine Barsotti have been angels (like you) and crucial as advisers and mentors to me in this journey. The twenty-two missionary families we lived with at Providence Mission Homes (from Lake Av Church), our church family at Pasadena Covenant Church, the public school and the after-school program called “Can do Kids” where our children engage with other, non-yet, following Jesus kids on tutoring for reading, homework, and play, and the family at Fuller have been fundamental for effective, safe, healthy, trustworthy learning, hospitality, shalom and, we believe, way more. 
   The above statement I wrote up to final stages of this season of formal training, for now :-), serves the crucial purpose of the vivid memory I need to recall ritually and liturgically as life keeps hammering. All the learning environments I have the privilege of being part of: marriage, fathering, neighborhood, congregation, sport, the fully and the partly abled spirit-bodied man and women I serve, the local and global communities, hand reach and the far in time and space I partake with in Jesus sufferings and for His glory; all of them need to be inspired by the Spirit, and stay truthful and faithful and surrendered to the grace and justice to our Missio Dei, aiming to the non yet, but the hopeful vision of Revelation 7:9-10.

   The graduation ceremony at Lake Avenue Church, Pasadena with over six hundred postgrad mates from thirty-five nations was a blast. A thorough academic study, research, and writing have truly stretched me as I could not even imagine. I am now enthusiastic to discover how to better serve God and others. Further formal studies are not for now, but I certainly do not give up on the possibility. Thanks so much for believing and joining arms for this season to be completed. God has used you and your generosity to move our family and mission in this wonderful season of development. Please, pray for us to find venues and be diligent to cross doors and gates to include Biblical, theological and academic resourcing to His kingdom.
   You have heard me mention how sports communities and sports chaplaincy are growing to be affirmed as the two main mission priorities of Athletes in Action globally. You know well that serving the people of sports has been in our heart and praxis for decades, and this most of the time in places where Reformation and Protestant culture is not present and faith and sport are not understood either hardly practiced with a redeemed and holistic worldview (that of Genesis 1, and play and sport as an integral part of what God has created very good and given us to honor Him). Sports chaplaincy, not merely as religious services at sport events, nor as just pre-game prayer, Bible studies or passive pastoral attention to those of Christian faith in sport, but as integral care for sportspeople at their clubs, training and competition centers is the main focus for our mission.

   In September Athletes in Action Global attempted the first pilot for training and mentoring a handful of new sports chaplains from African and Latin American countries. Next February Ruben is helping Ross Georgiou coordinate with some other European agencies and in the context of the European Christian Sports Union a Sports Chaplaincy training and roundtable consultation. Ross and Roula are back in Germany and we look to steer friendship and mission partnership with them. Steve, their younger son, has signed with Freiburg football academy and they will be b
ased midterm in Kandern to support him. Please pray for the right European shakers and movers to join in Feb, and for wisdom and the lead of the Spirit to launch Sport Chaplaincy models in new European cities and countries.
   Since we returned to Malaga, God has granted some old and new connections with basketball world friends. It is been a joy to see how athletes, coaches, trainers, sport business leaders whom we have been in disciple-making with long to co-journey with us or even seek intentionally for our advice, time together as family, professional coaching and mentoring. Please pray with us as we are scouting how to better connect mission locally (Parque Victoria Church and its sport mission opportunities, clubs, fitness centers…) with resourcing and serving with a virtual European Basketball Academy (coaches, clinics, training, sports performance coaching, innovation, mentoring, chaplaincy…). John Block, Al Norquist and Terry Layton are planning to come to Malaga next May (they helped pioneer Parque Victoria Church with basketball tours from California 30 years ago!). Pray for discernment, faith and God’s grace to move all this well.
   Re-engaging with energy and excitement with the call to serve Jesus and you for sportspeople following Christ in every sport, team, club, community, city, and nation. Please, let us know any way we can pray or be of blessing to you. Thankful and on our knees with you,
   Rubén, Lidia, Samuel, Josué, Lucía and David Azarías

"We have the high privilege of answering Jesus’ call to go. But let us be clear about this: we go on His terms, not ours. If we go at all, we go as sheep among wolves."

One of the global sports mission leaders I respect and admire deeply told me recently he wishes he could have read Nik Ripken's recent book "The Insanity of Obedience: Walking with Jesus in Tough Places" many years ago, right from the beginning of following Him. Looking on with Jesus' lens (Mathew 9:36-42) will equip us to expect and persevere through opposition (10:16-25), to revere God and fear not anything nor anybody (10:26-31) and live with "insane" obedience and identified with Christ (10: 32-42).

Reading Ripken's stories and recently listening to many of our sisters and brothers from places where persecution is a daily bread has moved us to keel and humble ourselves. Maybe this questions from Nik will help you as they have to us: 
Where are you intentionally being among the “wolves”? At work, deliberately during recreation, or having families who do not know Jesus in your home? What percentage of your time is spent being “sheep among sheep,” or as “sheep among wolves”? How in this world does one love wolves? Especially those who harm and slay God’s lambs?
We hope and pray you have a merry Christmas and a blessed new year living the Good News, sharing your own very lives (1 Thess. 2:8),

Ruben, Lidia, Samuel, Josué, Lucía & David Azarías. 
Copyright © 2016 On Your Knees [OYK]. Fernandez Toledo family,
Athletes in Action West Europe. All rights reserved.

ruben.fernandez@athletesinaction.eu | athletesinaction.eu | skype: rubenf7; lidiat7

Our mailing address is:
c/ Fragata 2, portal 4, bajo A; 29720 La Cala del Moral (Málaga) Spain

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Sobre Tus Rodillas | Diciembre 2017

Sobre Tus Rodillas | Diciembre 2017

  “Nuestro Padre como Missio Dei me capacita en su Espíritu para participar en los sufrimientos y la gloria de Cristo. Dios está usando multiples personas y pasiones para dotar de raises y alas a mi formación. El matrimonio y la familia me está forjando con un yunque y una fragua vivificadores6e8571e6-a816-4e1c-96a8-6d5f51e56ae9.jpeg; el servicio en nuestra iglesia y otras comunidades locales me está moldeando para ser usando por Dios en atesorado compañerismo; el baloncesto me está ayudando a depender de las fortalezas de otros; servir con coaching de alto rendimiento está disciplinando mi carácter para escuchar y empoderar a otros; leer, la Escritura y mucho más,  está nutriendo mi espíritu, iluminando mi entendimiento y afinando mis competencias de comunicación y escritura. Mi llamamiento es conectar y caminar junto con otros para obedecer juntos como seguidores de Cristo.”
Rubén Fernández Morales, Junio 2017
Estimado compañer@ y amig@,
    En estos dos pasados años. Nuestro Dios os ha usado a cada uno de vosotros en nuestro aprendizaje, servicio, hospitalidad, testimonio, retos, esperas, shalom compartido y estamos seguros de que en muchísimo más.  Deseamos que sea una declaración de la vivida memoria que que recordemos, reclamemos y revitalicemos ritual y litúrgicamente conforme la vida nos siga moldeando sobre el yunque. Todos los contextos de aprendizaje de los que tenemos el privilegio de formar parte: el matrimonio, los hijos y la familia, el vecindario, y las comunidades locales y globales en la que Dios nos ha puesto, necesitamos ser inspirados por el Espíritu y ser verdaderos, fieles y obedientes a la gracia y la justicia de nuestro Dios como Missio Dei, reclamando la aun no, pero esperanzadora visión de Apocalipsis 7: 9-10.
   El verano de 2015 nos mudamos en familia a Pasadena, Los Ángeles. Tras casi veinte años sirviendo a plena dedicación al Señor, Rubén ha podido completar formación Bíblica y Teológica de postgrado en el prestigioso seminario Fuller. Desde el verano del 2016 Rubén ha combinado el retorno al trabajo con AIA con completar asignaturas a distancia. La ceremonia de graduación fue el pasado Junio con más de seiscientos estudiantes de treinta y cinco naciones y fue muy emotiva para Rubén. El nivel y volumen de exigencia académica, investigación, y escritura en otra lengua ha sido muy desafiante para Rubén. Ahora estamos ilusionados de encontrar como poder servir a otros mas y mejor con todo lo crecido y aprendido. Más estudios formales relacionados con el tema de la teología de cuerpo y un posible doctorado quedan de momento aparcados, pero no olvidados. Muchas gracias por creer en nosotros y aunar fuerzas para ver esta temporada completada. Dios os ha usado y solo gracias a vuestro compromiso y 22ea49f0-f078-412b-859a-b102760309a3.jpeggenerosidad hemos podido ver cumplida esta etapa de formación intencionada. 
    El enfoque en deporte y comunidad (Sport Communities), y el cuidado de las personas del deporte allí donde entrenan y compiten (Sport Chaplaincy) se afirman como los dos ejes de misión de Athletes in Action Global. Seguid orando por nosotros para encontrar sabiduría y dirección de como hacer esto bien.No es fácil, pues cuando escuchamos "capellanía" pensamos en servicios religiosos, oración pre-partido o un estudio bíblico. Este modelo no tiene aplicación en los países y culturas fuera de la Reform Protestante y está incluso en declive frente a una sociedad secularista globalizada. Ahora bien, ¿podrían seguidores de Jesús sinceros que sirven como voluntario en clubes deportivos, y lo hacen cuidado y atendiendo a otros cristianos, a gente de otras religiones, o sin afiliación religiosa, en situaciones de triunfo, retos, y tragedias, ser útiles para el rendimiento total de esos deportistas y equipos y para avanzar el reino de los cielos? Absolutamente si. ¿Cómo lo haremos en Italia, en España, en Malta, Rumanía, Holanda... ¿Cómo lo hacemos juntos, como reino y familia en Cristo?
   En Septiembre AIA Global organizó un primer proyecto piloto con una formation para varios países de Africa y Latino América. Estos nueve líderes están ahora implementando un plan de cien días con el apoyo de mentores internacionales para desarrollar modelos de Sport Chaplaincy en al menos una ciudad en cada país. En la foto, una formación de seguimiento en Etiopía estos días. Del 5-10 de Febrero próximo, bajo el auspicio del European Christian Sports Union, Ruben y Vinci de AIA Suiza en colaboración con Ross Georgiou (Ross sirvió con AIA Europe y ahora está plenamente dedicado al desarrollo de este área a nivel mundial) tendrán una primera formación a la que esperamos treinta personas de toda Europa.

    Gracias por vuestras oraciones para este ISCT. Orad por participantes, formadores y mentores, colaboradores para este proceso que acaba de empezar. Orad por sabiduría y dirección del Espíritu para crear y estimular modelos de apoyo y cuidado  integral en clubes y centros deportivos en toda Europa. Ross y Roula están de vuelta en Alemania. Stefanos, el pequeño ha fichado por una de las mejores academias de fútbol del país. Tener a los Georgiou cerca será de gran ayuda por la amistad y colaboración que nos une y por su experiencia y y capacidad en este área al frente de SCNZ y ISCF.

e5fca7ed-164e-46f8-b77b-1730cebc21e8.jpeg    En Noviembre Rubén fue invitado a una nueva cita del movimiento mundial de misión y deporte (ISC). Más de trescientas personas trabajaron en treinta y un grupos de distintas estrategias para avanzar herramientas y recursos que usarán ministerios e iglesias de todo el mundo. Fue una bendición poder ver a los Fichtner y a la familia Santiago esos días.
   Desde que regresamos de EEUU hemos disfrutado de reencuentros esperados y sorpresivos con personas u necesidades del mundo del basket que sabéis tanto ha formado parte de nuestras vidas y servicio. Ha sido muy edificante encontrarnos con atletas, empresarios, entrenadores, educadores, políticos... del deporte que buscan intencionalmente nuestra amistad, apoyo, consejo, coaching y mentorado. Orad por discernimiento en como conectarnos con misión localmente y responder a estos dones y pasiones y necesidades sentidas. 
b1eb276a-b20d-4c53-b904-44f64b8034f7.jpeg   Conectando enérgicamente y con mucha ilusión junto a ti con el llamamiento de servir al Dios que es misión en Cristo con gente del mundo del deporte que sigan a Jesús en cada deporte, equipo, club, comunidad, ciudad y nación. Por favor haznos saber como podemos orar y ser de bendición para ti y tu familia. Agradecidos y sobre nuestras rodillas, viviendo las Buenas Nuevas, compartiendo nuestras propias vidas,
Rubén, Lidia, Samuel, Josué, Lucía y David Azarías

Mobile: +(34) 667 605 750
c/ Fragata 2, portal 4, bajo A
29720 La Cala del Moral (Málaga)
Twitter: @aiaweurope | @aiarubenfm
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Skype: rubenf7, lidiat7
Whatsapp: +(34) 667 605 750
Facebook: ruben.fernandez.morales | Athletes in Action West Europe | Atletas en Acción España
https://www.gcx.org/fernandeztoledo |
atletasenaccion.es | ECSU.eu | agapeeurope.com | agape.org

    "Tenemos el elevado privilegio de responder al llamado de Jesús a ir. Pero, seamos claros sobre esto, vamos en sus términos, no los nuestros. Si decidimos ir, vamos como ovejas entre lobos."

    Uno de los pioneros y responsables de la misión sostenida y ampliada en y a través del deporte a nivel mundial que más respeto y admiro me confesaba recientemente que le hubiese encantado haber leído el reciente libro publicado por Nik Ripken, "The Insanity of Obedience: Walking with Jesus in Tough Places" (La locura de la obediencia: caminando con Jesús en los lugares más difíciles) justo cuando empezó a servir a Jesús hace más de sesenta y cinco años. No es nada fácil "vestir las lentes con las que mira Jesús" (Mateo 9:36-42), pero llevarlas puestas nos equipa para esperar y perseverar frente a oposición (10:16-25); a reverenciar a Dios y a no temer a nada ni a nadie (10:26-31), y a vivir una obediencia "de locura" identificados con Cristo (10: 32-42).

     La lectura de este libro y los testimonios compartidos de hermanos y hermanas para quienes verdadera persecución es el pan diario nos lleva a humillarnos y arrodillarnos. Os dejamos algunas de las preguntas que Ripken incluye para reflexión y acción:  
  • ¿Donde y cómo estás viviendo intencionalmente entre lobos? 
  • ¿Qué porcentaje de tu tiempo lo pasas como oveja entre ovejas, o como oveja entre lobos?
  • ¿Es posible amar a los lobos? ¿Especialmente aquellos que atacan y asesinan a los corderos de Dios?
Copyright © 2017 Sobre Tus Rodillas [STR]. Familia Fernandez Toledo,
Athletes in Action West Europe. All rights reserved.

ruben.fernandez@athletesinaction.eu | athletesinaction.eu | skype: rubenf7; lidiat7

Nuestra dirección:
c/ Fragata 2, portal 4, bajo A; 29720 La Cala del Moral (Málaga) Spain

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TV Discussion Guide: God, Life, Sport - Friday Night Lights

TC533. Theology and Television
Rubén Fernández Morales
TV Discussion Guide: God, Life, Sport
“Friday Night Lights” 

Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t loose!

   If you had been introduced to the critically-acclaimed “Friday Night Lights” [1] by watching its 2011 Emmy Awards intro clip (see below) you would easily have judged it as merely another show about Texan pride, more football and dysfunctional teenagers. Quite not just the case, and the failure to satisfy the industry assumption of audiences eagerness of more violence in sport and hyper sexualized teenagers actually threatened the continuity of the series after the end of the first season. [2] 

Friday Night Lights 2011 Emmy® Awards trailer:

   Kyle Chandler won the “Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama TV Series” in competition with Michael C Hall (Dexter), Timothy Elephant (Justified), Steve Buscemi (Boardwalk Empire) and Hugh Lowrie (House) and John Hamm (Mad Men).

   What is this show then about? (content summary below, #6)) What does the Panthers HS Football Team and the people of Dillon’s vision need to be clear of and for what? What kind of self-emptiness and new filling can offer them uncontested victory? Coach Taylor says it loud and clear from the outset, “we are vulnerable, we will fall, we will all fall, we will all now fall”, “we must carry this in our hearts, that what we  have  is special, and it  can be taken from us”, “we will be tested to our very souls”, “it is this pain, it is these  times that allow us to look inside ourselves.” 

An excellent "thesis" of FNL series can be found on its “Farewell Promo”:

   From first to last frame, each of the characters face the transitoriness of this life—all it is “chasing after wind”; they search for purpose and value just to experience unsatisfying knowledge and foolishness at its best. All they find proves to be ephemeral and meaningless. But as Kohelet does in Ecclesiastes, some of our Dilloners are uplifted by beauty “one that both corrects and recanters the dominant wisdom of his day”. [3] Life is God’s gift, and even given the paradox—life sucks with misery, injustice and death). Matt Saracen acts out this “rebirth and baptism” brilliantly in  the memorable scene (below), “Everybody leaves me, what is  wrong with me”. We are to enjoy our relationships, food,  wine,  talents, and works in worshipful attitude and in appreciation for God's generosity and care for His (already-but not yet) restored creation. 

“Everybody leaves me”:

   The pervasive theology of FNL is not one of individual superheroes, not even antiheroes. Instead of subversive “Jesulogies”, we are compelled to experience God’s self-revelation and wider presence in an overarching and dynamic theology of Deification (Theosis) [4], [5] God here is not the Wholly One, but the Missio Dei instead the transcendent, and the resurrected and glorified Christ acts as New Adam in whose incarnation, death, resurrection, ascension, and Triune deity, by the Spirit, we are on  a journey to become like God (deified). In his perfect freedom and pure delight, the Triune God created us in His  image (Imago Dei), he made us little gods. In the Garden, we will  walk with God as friends and in a mutual relationsip. Theosis is not enacted as soteriology in terms of penal-substitution but more as a movement from imperfection to perfection. 

   FNL seeks to make meaning engaging while moving its viewers with the profound consequences of self-absorption and pursue of disordered desires, including self-righteousness. And maybe another reason some have criticized the series is that all the brokenness, injustice, despair, disappointment and betrayal in life is not merely an opportunity for fatalism, stoicism or self-blame  but rather it is encountered and embraced through friendship and fidelity with forgiving grace, as well as by the prophetic, redemptive and transformational impact such faithful and covenant-keeping relations have on community life and hopeful future.

Life is beautiful. The Taylor’s:

   As we watch the pilot episode, the conviction, ownership and praxis of “Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t loose” in all FNL protagonists is still raw, myopic, self-centered, but nevertheless partaking in a dynamic and shared journey of transformation. Every human life at Dillon matters, the outcasts and the self-righteous, God makes the sun raise up over all of them. So, in the hopeful journey from useless beauty to restored full and abundant life, God’s presence and kingdom not so much in an individual redemptive figure of a hero, but in the shadow of the perfect relations in the Triune God, the Taylor’s family shines as a beacon of grace, love and justice, in God’s incomplete but thriving likeness.

   It’s not that they do not experience their own parenting problems…or that they do not experience their own marital valleys, says Olson [7], “rather, when these problems threaten to collapse their commitments, they have an anchor to remain steady.”

Eric & Tami Taylor:

Episodes and questions

“Pilot”. E1, S1.
   New coach, Eric Taylor and his family start to experience Dillon and its community, home of the Panthers, best American football HS team in Texas.This episode sets the tone for the whole series. The righteous order of some and the messiness of others can mislead you. You will be surprised, just stay on. Pay attention to Tim Riggins comment, “I am the caretaker” and follow him through the series. At Dillon clear vision and wholeheartedness seems to be lacking. 

Discussion questions:
  • Did watching this episode with theological lens and attentiveness help you embrace the revealed experience of God in life and relations? How?
  • How did you feel with Jason Street’s accident and injury? Have you ever been or have you cared for someone in a critical situation?
  • Does God like football? How does God relate to our love and relation for sport and play?
  • What do you see in the different dating and marital relations in the episode?
  • How does the absence or the abuse of parents affect their teenagers in FNL?
  • Is it possible to love anybody or anything else more than football? Are you attentive to love as they those that matter in your live as you should?
  • How does the pressure to perform affect the coach? How does it affect the Taylors? How does pressure in sport affect our most important relations?
  • How did the expectations of coach Taylor, the team, the officials and sponsors… make you feel? What are some of the performance expectations you struggle with?
  • The meaning of “Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t loose” matures with its characters and story along the series, but how did it resonate with you on this occasion? What heart and motivation seems to embody at this early stage? 

“Always”. E13, S5. 
   A good choice if you have seen the series already or do not plan to watch it. 

Discussion questions:
  • What do you see as the conducting thread in this finale?
  • How is God’s kingdom and newness pictured over the episode, in individuals, marriages, friends, parents and children, the team?
  • What impressed you and why from Tyra and Tim’s picnic conversation?
  • How is a dynamic journey into faithfulness, truthfulness, equality, mutuality, happiness in the joy of the other painted in the Taylors’?
  • What does the final scene tell you theologically?

Biblical texts in conversation with FNL:

   Since you are sportspeople who's identity and destiny sets in relevant and regular conversation performance and achievement with grace and hope and this series not being (just) about sports but certainly full of context and meaning for the needs, the challenges, the opportunities for those whose lives exist exist in a world of striving and thriving, we will watch and discuss not only considering the overarching theme of God's self-revelatory presence but how does that makes meaning in our lives and dedication to sport. Here's some passages and possible themes for our dialogue:
  • Eccles.: 1:2-18; 3:l2-14: God’s revelatory presence and life paradoxical meaning 
  • Gen. 2:18-25; 1 Peter 1:13-21; Col. 3:17-4: Relations, marriage, family.
  • Matt. 26:39-46; Phil. 4: 1-19; Lk. 4:1-14: Pressure.
  • Phil. 2:1-7; 1 Peter 5:1-3; I Timothy 4:7-8: The role of a coach.

FNL, God, Life and Sport in conversation:

God’s wider Presence:

  • How do we learn to gaze on the useless beauty of this world and our lives with our whole selves? How do we humbly, acquire knowledge and love, and serve others conscious and content with our ephemerality? 
  • How do we enjoy the gifts, great and small, that God sends our way in awe of Him? How do we see this perspective making sense in our worship and participation with God in mission?

Relations, marriage, family:

  • Why does Paul say a man must “leave his father and mother and be united to his wife?” What else do we have to leave to have a good marriage? 
  • The Ephesians passage is in the context of being filled with the Holy Spirit, which is allowing the Spirit of God to teach you, mediate for you, and convict you. This requires being open to Him. What prevents you from being open to God’s Spirit in your life?
  • If a husband and wife endure in love for each other and respect  each other, what effect will that have on family, community, team? What does it mean that husbands should love their wives as they love their own bodies? 
  • Find more questions and Bible studies on Conflict Resolution, Marriage, Team Unity and LGTB teammates, and a related theological framework on Relations at SportLIFE.


  • What pressures do you think Jesus felt as He headed to the cross? What outside pressures that caused of this internal turmoil? 
  • How would you rephrase verse 42 in your own words? What does this say about Jesus’ relationship with His Father? 
  • When Jesus felt the weight of the world on His shoulders and His disciples did not support Him, where did He get his strength and perspective? 
  • Find more questions and Bible studies on Self Talk, Anger, Grief and Loss, Dealing with Pressure, Fear of Failure, and a related theological framework on Emotions at SportLIFE

The role of a coach:

  • What in this passage speaks to us the most?
  • Describe the characteristics found in Jesus that we are to imitate.
  • 3. In what ways can coaching be selfish? How could being a servant and other-centered help you become a more transformational coach?
  • Jesus was God in the flesh and still He did not hold onto His power for Himself. List three ideas where you might serve your athletes physically, emotionally, and/or spiritually?
  • Do you know other coaches you could lead toward this type of coaching philosophy? Or others who could help us to become a transformational coach?
  • Find more questions and Bible studies on Conflict Resolution, Marriage, Team Unity and LGTB teammates, and a related theological framework on Relations at SportLIFE.

FNL Content Summary:

   If you are interested, Nick Olson offers a good summary of characters and narrative of the series along with an insight theological perspective in his article at the blog Christ and Pop Culture. [8]

Bonus clips and music montages:

Friday Night Lights | What Are You Waiting For | Series Tribute

Holding on & letting go:
If you are not bothered by spoilers, you will love this summary

To build a home:
Friday Night Lights truly seeks to take us “Home”

This is love:

Kings and Queens:


[1] www.imdb.com/title/tt0758745/, accessed on May 16, 2017.
[2]  Olson, Nick. Friday Night Lights Will Guide You Home. https://christandpopculture.com/friday-night-lights-will-guide-you-home/. Accessed on May 16, 2017.
[3]  Johnston, Robert K.Useless Beauty: Ecclesiastes Through the Lens of Contemporary Film (Grand Rapids, Mi: Baker Academics, 2004), 175.
[4]  Robert K. Johnston, ‘God’s Wider Presence’. Reconsidering General Revelation (Grand Rapids MI: Baker Academics, 2014), 214.
[5]  Karkkainen, Veli-Matti. Trinity and Revelation (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2014).
[6]  Ireland, M.Y., HT501. The Church's Understanding of God and Christ in its Theological Reflection: Theosis (Lecture, 2017).

[8]  Ibid.