

[From Javier García, Agape Europe DOA, on EMSI@mision (Barcelona, Spain) medical mission to BurkinaFaso, Africa]

Dear friends and co workers,

my best wishes and blessings from the Lord to you in this new year that has just started!

I'm writing to share with you my experience in Burkina Faso, as well as thanking you for your prayers and your support.

As you know, a team of 28 people from Spain have been in Burkina from December 27 until January 6. During these days, the Lord has open many doors and we've had great opportunities to share Christ and to show God's love in practice. This is a brief summary of the activities we carried out for God’s glory:

  • Medical visits to approximately 1000 people (sharing the love of Christ to each one of them).
  • Forty (40) operations (most of them, eyes surgery; specially, cataracts)
  • Inauguration of a water well donated by emsi@mision
  • Distribution of drugs (medecines).
  • A conference addressed to executives that took place at the Hotel Excelent in Ouagadougou.
  • We visited the CCC office and spent some time with all the staff.
  • CCC organized a event with 30 professionals (which was incredible!).
  • CCC provided for 6 medecine students as volunteers.
  • Pedagogy seminars addressed to teachers.
  • We contacted the National Hospital and the Protestant Hospital. We also had meetings with local doctors.
  • We had contacts with the Government and the City Hall (Mairie).
  • We had a meeting with the FEME
  • We could partner with other organizations:Remar, CCC, El-Shat.
  • Etc...
As you see, it has been a very intensive time, but a real blessing. These kind of projects can have a tremendous impact in the life of its participants and I'm persuaded that we have to infect Europe with this virus of helping others and using these projects to multiply movements among current leaders and influencers - at the same time we will be helping fulfill the Great Commission in the World in partnership with the Body of Christ.

Thinking about the future, we are studying the possibility, in God's will, to follow up the initiated actions. We will let you know, as soon as we have a concrete proposal. The fact is that even the Government is willing to provide for ground and buildings in the city so that a hospital could be built and set up, etc. There are many ideas but we need to pray, evaluate and decide about the next steps.

Again, thank you so much for your prayers. I'm enclosing a few pictures.

May the Lord bless you and be encouraged. ¡We are serving the King of Kings!

Your servant in the love of Christ,

Javier García

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