
"The Coaching Workshop -How to Empower Others by Integrating Coaching Skills into Your Leadership Style-"

You may remember Ruben has taken some training to use Life Coaching with professional sports people as a way of serving them and engaging with their felt needs.

Life Coaching is a new concept for most people in general, but particularly in the world of sports and is working as a great means of what is our calling and longing as we seek to see transformation and Christ followers and spiritual movements everywhere.

Let me share a definition of Coaching from a Christian perspective by Keith E. Webb, that may help you understand more of what we mean and do with this: “Coaching is an on-going intentional conversation that empowers a person or group to fully live out God’s calling”.

Yesterday I led six hours of a seminar called "The Coaching Workshop -How to Empower Others by Integrating Coaching Skills into Your Leadership Style-" in Madrid in partnership with MEZZO music ministry with ten leaders from all over Spain who work with artists and musicians. Today we will finish with another six hours. Feedback yesterday night was excellent. Please join us on your knees for a journey of learning and praxis today that serves their needs and resources them ahead.

Lidia and the kids are doing great. Samuel and Josué are enjoying their new season at school and Lucia misses them every morning and searches for them climbing to every item at home you would or wouldn't imagine :-)!

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