
Serving Olympians in the Athlete's Village

I write to you from St Katherine's Royal Foundation, where I'll be hosted until August 13 in London, with the other 18 international sport chaplains who will serve the Olympic family in the Village. 

I do count as a privilege and appreciate all your prayers and words of encouragements. So does Lidia as she guards the bunch back home.

Yesterday we had a full day of training and orientation and today we will pick up credentials that will allow us entrance to the Olympic Village as well as our volunteer uniforms. Official work shifts starts today for my team (2-10pm). 

I attach an article about a friend and co-worker who will also serve as a chaplain. It will give you a glimpse into the type of ministry we will have:

Please pray:
  • That I get all the final details done so not to be stressed as I leave town tomorrow.
  • For safety and uneventful travel.
  • For health and safety as I am in London.
  • That I will be filled with the Spirit and in tune to His leading the next month.
  • That God would provide divine encounters for me to serve, encourage and minister to athletes, coaches and officials in their faith.
  • That I will quickly make good connections with those Christian athletes I already know.
  • That I will get good rest during my down times.
I will be sending updates out over the next few weeks. As you watch the Games, please be reminded to pray for the ministry that is happening behind the scene.

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