
Next school year @Fuller

Would you join us in prayer and support?

We wanted to share some great news and its pledge related with you. I have wanted to affirm and expand my Biblical and Theological formation for years. You know some, and many of the people who do as well encourage me to consolidate what could strengthen my gifts and in the meantime affirm and credit so I add value to what can help others understand and welcome our labour and service.

There is a brilliant opportunity to do this without a major challenge to our call and role today. Friends of us and Doctors at Fuller Seminary are guiding and supporting us for the possibility of taken a Masters of Arts in Theology and Ministry there at Pasadena. The idea is to do this as a growth opportunity for the family as well. 

Main part of this venture is to help our family grow. Lidia is fully on board of this, and if you know her a bit, certainly you'll understand how much that means. Larry Thompson (AIA Intl.), Javier García & Agape Europe Leadership and Nacho Marques (Agape Spain) are up to speed with this and highly encouraging about it.

We would have to take just one school year there starting next August, and then, back home I'd just need one full day a week to focus on finishing the Master on Theology & Ministry back home on a second year.

You know our leadership for AIA Europe has been and will be focused on empowering the national leaders and local teams to own beyond their scope and journey together. I don't run an office or a stint/interns team, and I empower, engage, connect, support, plan, communicate with AIA troops as much as we are allowed and welcomed by local Agape/AIA, and most of that wouldn't stop even as we would be allowed to take this opportunity.

Major projects like Baku European Games, UTC, ESLT trainings, ECSU... Are all led by European leaders and backed up with intl. AIA leaders as well. No fire we have started should be extinguished (if The Lord confirms we need to stay doing it of course). You know  that from last month, AIA Spain in under Abraham Crespo and an awesome new team we belong too as well.

Some classes of Sport Chaplaincy studies from Baylor on distance, Urban L.A. PROJECT From AIA in Los Angeles and volunteer internship coaching for NBA or NCAA team are opportunities, which if possible would add thrilling mission and experience value (always if I could do that as practices or in free time from Fuller studies.

Rob and Cathy Johnstone, Doctors in Fuller and dear friends are fully behind us and they say there's a good chance we would only have to cover 25% of tuition with help of scholarship and foundation support. There's a residence near the campus where we would pay less than $1000 per month (a third of most hosting solutions in the area) for house and utilities. This place would allow me to go to classes with a bike and avoid a second car.

We will certainly need a push and boost to sort finances out. Trusting the Lord with peace of mind and heart about it and all the related questions around it. There’s a foundation which has offered to help us with $15,000 if we raise another equal amount. Would you please consider contributing to our need in this?

Looking forward to hearing from you asap. Let us know any questions this email may have not clarified. Below you have details on how to send your support directly for this need (it would count 100% this way). If you need or rather prefer to send it through CRU, that’s ok as well (cru.org/give. Our account: #2394818).

Thanks a lot,

Ruben, Lidia, Samuel, Josué, Lucía y David Azarías

Bank of the West
180 Montgomery St.
San Francisco, CA

Swift Code: BWSTU566
Phone: +1 (800) 767 8442
Routing No: 121100782
Account No: 673025730
Reference: Fund 2940 for Ruben Fernández.

Checks or 
Fuller Theological Seminary
135 N. Oakland Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91182
Reference: Fund 2940 for Ruben Fernández.

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