
RSG website and European Plans going forward

After a fantastic global gathering in Orlando last month with near 1,000 international participants which got train the trainer formation, ReadySetGo is up and kicking.

  • 19 European countries were represented in Orlando. The plan is for each country to go back to look to hold 5 RSG trainings this year with an average of 20 people if possible.
  • - In May, we want 50 new teams to come and be trained. The plan for them is to have 3 RSG trainings during the rest of the year.
  • This would mean we might have 345 trainings this year, training 6,900 leaders with a potential of 240 new city teams.
  • If each of these 240 teams did 3 GO strategy trainings, 108,000 people could be impacted across Europe this year.
  • 6 RSG trainings have already happened (2 Germany, Austria, 2 UK, Serbia) 16 already planned for January onwards (Moldova, Albania, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, France, Finland, and Macedonia). 

The website is already at your disposition with a miriad of resources in multiple languages. ReadySetGO is a library of sports resources. Everything is free and ready to use! It is as simple as Ready, Set and GO! Ready is the process of gathering and envisioning people to make disciples for Christ in sport and play. Setprepares everyone to be a disciple-maker. GO gives us strategies to make disciples in the world of sport and play. Check it out and pass the news around: http://readysetgo.ec

Save the Dates!, 

and pass the word around 

ReadySetGo MULTIPLY Europe
Launching ReadySetGO Across Our Region
18th-22nd May 2016
Bobbio Pellice, Italy
Registrations/info: caroline@christiansinsport.org.uk

ReadySetGo PLUS Europe
ReadySetGOPlus is a four week summer school for young leaders from across Europe taking place in July.The programme includes:
  • 2 weeks of in depth ReadySetGO training focussing on the Heart Values and GOstrategies.
  • 2 weeks of mission activity serving on sports camps or community projects around Europe.

WHEN: 3rd-31st July 2016.
WHERE: Bobbio Pellice, Italy.
WHO FOR: Young leaders aged between 18-25.
COST: 200€ per person.
Registrations/info: caroline@christiansinsport.org.uk

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