
Coaching & Heart Beat Europe Barcelona

Dear partners and friends,

Tomorrow I have a short trip to Barcelona, where I'll be meeting with many AIA & Agape staff and volunteers along a full day to listen and encourage them, pray and plan towards HBE Barcelona, and work with other Agape leaders on possible developments with Life Coaching through Agape.

Thanks for your prayers for us and for Lidia and the family here in Malaga. Yesterday, as I returned from London, my father in law fell from a ladder on a home accident and is at the hospital with 5 broken ribs, a smashed disc and a partly broken vertebra. Thanks God doesn't seem to have further damage, but as you can imagine it's going to be a long recovery. My mother in law had to rush and return from Madrid where she was waiting on Miriam, Lidia's sister who dues of their second son in 4 days. Lidia's second sister, Raquel, dues just a few days later from their 3rd.

Thanks for your prayers for the coming hospital season :-).

Yours thankfully,

Ruben & Lidia

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