Dear warriors -on your knees-,
I just returned from London! I have been there this week with some colleagues doing preparation for our Olympic initiatives this summer – did YOU know this is an Olympic summer? Just seems like we were focused on Beijing 2008! We have traversed the city, learning the underground, trains and buses. Over 100 AIA staff and volunteers will join us in August so a few of us wanted to learn the ropes to help them! I'd ask you to pray that we confirm a venue soon for an outreach breakfast as well as raise funds for our 100 delegates to attend!
And most heavy on my heart and urgent to pray about is a need from my boss, Ben and his wife, Susie. She has just found from an MRI that there is a baseball size tumor on the front of her brain. They have 3 kids and she is 14 weeks pregnant. I am including an update from them next and will continue to do so. If you'd like to get updates about Susie to pray but are not on Facebook, please email me back. I will also put any updates on my Facebook status.
This is from a recent update from Ben:
"Thank you, thank you thank you! Prayers from the 4 corners of the earth have been such an encouragement and source of support and strength. Thank you. Please keep them coming. The last few days have been nothing short of a whirlwind as we try and figure out what is going on. Here are a few things we know:
- God is in control. He has Susie and the baby in His care. You have no idea how comforting this is for me.
- Susie has a brain tumor. It is large and needs to come out.
- We found a surgeon. Yesterday was a day where we were praying about the right surgeon to use. A little after midnight, we met the right one – Dr. Glickman! Even though we were tired, confused, and on a roller coaster, God provided crystal clear clarity that he is the surgeon for us. God clearly answered that prayer.
- Today, the prayer is for a clear plan of action. We should have a plan by the end of the day, as we've consulted with various doctors – neurologists, neurosurgeons, and high risk OB doctors. Please pray for wisdom that we would have a plan that addresses how we will get the tumor out and keep Susie and the baby safe.
- Most likely, we will look at surgery the week of February 7th, after the Giants beat the Patriots! (From Ben, a NY boy!)
- We are so thankful for all the support that we have been showered with – the prayers, the meals, the visits, texts, calls, facebook (I think we officially went viral) - Thank you. For those of you who would like to help in some way, we will send out some communication next week, as we have a chance to gather ourselves over the weekend, and think through the journey ahead for us.
God continues to provide for us everything we need, every day. The road ahead is long, unknown and will require some major adjustments. We'll take them a day at a time and continue to rest in the Lord and what He has for us. May the Lord be glorified in this process and may we be faithful to worship Him. We appreciate you all so much. Blessings, Ben & Susie"
Love and appreciate you,
Ruben, Lidia, Samuel, Josue & Lucia
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